Friday, April 27, 2012

Secret Service Scandals and New Code of Conduct

     The Secret Service Agency was created in 1865 in response to growing concerns of the counterfeit currency industry.  As the agency grew, so did their responsibilities.  They investigated major cases of fraudulent activities against the government and the activities of the Klu Klux Klan.  In 1894, they offered bodyguard services to President Cleveland.  From 1901 to 1902, the S.S. is assigned full-time bodyguard services of the President following the assassination of President William McKinley.  In 1908, protection to the President-elect is afforded.  From 1913 onwards, the S.S. rapidly expanded to include protection of the President's immediate family, the vice president, and former presidents and their families.  A Police force was formed for the White House under the supervision of the S.S.  After the assassination of Kennedy, this was further expanded to include major presidential and vice presidential candidates and nominees.  As decades pass, foreign leaders and dignitaries are afforded protection (

     According to its website, the vision statement of the S.S. is as follows:

The vision of the United States Secret Service is to uphold the tradition of excellence in its investigative and protective mission through a dedicated, highly-trained, diverse, partner-oriented workforce that employs progressive technology and promotes professionalism.

     This vision statement was grossly violated by a group of Secret Service members who tarnished the image of an otherwise outstanding agency with a proud history of excellence and professionalism.  To add insult to injury, the agents responsible for this violation are the ones responsible for safeguarding our President.  Moreover, this took place in a South American country during a trip wherein the President wanted to improve diplomatic and economic relations with South America.  Members of the S.S. have been allegedly consorting with prostitutes and indulging in heavy drinking in their hotels while awaiting the President's arrival.  The Secret Service scandal has all the elements of a Hollywood movie; national security, federal agents, politics, alcohol, sex, exotic tropical settings, everything for that perfect shoot.

     Though it is understood that we all make mistakes, however, when the mistakes involve national security and jeopardize the safekeeping of our President, the situation calls for tough actions.  Just today, news agencies report that a new code of conduct has been issued for the Secret Service including mandatory ethics training, a ban on attending "non-reputable establishments" like strip clubs, and a requirement that no foreign nationals enter a hotel room.  In terms of alcohol, it may only be consumed in moderate amounts while off duty on-assignment and a new 10-hour sobriety rule will be instated. Previously, employees were not able to drink 6 hours before a shift started.  In addition to that, all S.S. employees are to abide by the laws of the U.S. even in foreign countries in order to eliminate objections that prostitution is legal in certain host countries.

     After reading the 'new' code of conduct, one wonders why this was not already in place?  

1 comment:

ccasas said...

As my colleague Mr. Esmail pointed out in his article Secret ServiceScandals and New Code of Conduct, there has been a new code of conduct implemented for agents assigned to protect the leader of the nation. Mr. Esmail did a great job setting up his blog assignment with an in depth background of the United States Secret Service and their vision.
I had heard a few jokes in the past regarding the incident that occurred in South America but did not read much further into it, so I was definitely taken back after reading this blog post. I completely agree when Mr. Esmail states “The vision statement was grossly violated by a group of Secret Service members who tarnished the image of an otherwise outstanding agency with a proud history of excellence and professionalism”.
Along with many other Americans, I believe this occurrence is an embarrassment to our government! These men were sent on assignment to protect the President of the United States and did not conduct themselves in a professional manner. This behavior now reflects upon the principles of many agents and service men protecting United States of America. One will ask, how long has this been going on? Was this an isolated event?
I am glad they are finally putting into print the demands of professionalism within the force. This should be a unwritten expectation of men safeguarding our nation! Also, many of these men were also married which goes into a whole other set of expectations and I won't even go into how this goes against the war of human trafficking and prostitution that we are fighting. Our President's safety was jeopardized on the account of these shenanigans and I am thankful this is being investigated.
I couldn't agree with Mr. Esmail any more when he stated “the Secret Service scandal has all the elements of a Hollywood movie; national security, federal agents, politics, alcohol, sex, exotic tropical settings, everything for that perfect shoot”. Unfortunately our society would buy into this corruption.
Hopefully the new set of standards will prevent any future occurrences and will punish appropriately now that formal guidelines are put into place. I am glad that I had the opportunity to read this blog. I must say it is sad because you imagine the Secret Service to be so strong willed and overflowing with principles and morals but I guess strippers are hard to resist. Never fear America, through a new handbook and online ethics courses our nation will be ever more secure!